Hawai’i Joins The Farm to School Movement


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This year in July, the bill for the farm to school program passed in Hawai’i, allowing funding for a farm to school program coordinator and also bringing more awareness to the state with support from local politicians and community members.

School advocates visited the National Farm to Cafeteria Conference in 2014 in Austin, Texas and learned about legislation and how they can put healthier food policy into practice. Needing funding for an official state Farm to School Coordinator, the efforts for policy change began.

After defining the policy goal in mind, the National Farm to School Network worked with Hawai’i leaders, giving them resources and fact sheets to raise awareness of farm to school activities and getting more supporters on board. The bill was approved after the farm to school Policy Team provided testimony and as they discussed and proved how other states fund farm to school.

To learn more about how to use the resources from the farm to school network for creating statewide support towards policy change, click here.

To learn more about states currently working towards passing State Farm to School bills, read the State Farm to School Legislative Survey.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino parents support public funding for afterschool programs

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