Newborn Screening Resources in Spanish


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Almost 23% of the 3.99 million babies born in 2015 were Hispanic.

Early diagnosis of certain conditions can make the difference between healthy development and lifelong physical or mental disability for these babies.

Newborn Screening

In 1963, Newborn Screening begins with a heel stick.

Screenings identify babies who may have a variety of genetic, metabolic, hormonal and functional conditions so that precise follow-up testing can be performed.

Since 1963, babies with serious but treatable conditions caught by Newborn Screening grow up healthy with expected development. All it takes is a few drops of blood and a simple hearing test.

However, Newborn Screening is an evolving system that varies across the country, thus many parents don’t know of the conditions included in screening in their state. For example, Texas screens for 55 conditions and Virginia screens for 31, and each has a different payer systems.

Online Clearinghouse in Spanish

With funding from the 2008 Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act and the 2014 Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act, both signed into law by then President Barack Obama, Baby’s First Test is a central online clearinghouse of information, materials, resources, and services from the local, state, and national level.

Baby’s First Test is dedicated to educating parents, family members, health professionals, industry representatives, and other members of the public about family support services and the newborn screening system.

Visit the Baby’s First Test website in English and in Spanish.

Baby’s First Test brings together resources to help guide parents and health professionals alike.

Baby’s First Test une recursos para ayudar a guiar a los padres y profesionales de la salud.

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