Review of WIC Food Packages: Chap 2: The WIC Participant Experience


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Chapter 2: The WIC Participant Experience, in the second in a series of three reports on the Review of WIC Food Packages, summarizes evidence of complex behavioral and environmental factors that influence participation in Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), and redemption of WIC foods.

Research suggests cultural variation in infant and child feeding practices, which may affect participation in WIC and redemption of WIC benefits. For example, Latinos have lower breastfeeding prevalence than Whites and Asians. Additionally, one study in Maryland found that Latinos preferred beans over peanut butter and they disliked frozen and canned vegetables. Cultural variations, like these, as well as administrative barriers, affect Latino mother’s and caregiver’s participation in WIC.

WIC serves more than 25 percent of the pregnant women and 50 percent of the infants in the United States, at an annual cost of about $6.2 billion, and Latinos have historically low participation rates. It is critical to review participants WIC experience to reduce barriers and ensure that Latinos and all populations have access to and are participating in culturally relevant WIC services and benefits.

Learn more about the Review of WIC Food Packages here.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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