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Youth leaders across the nation are working to promote health equity in their communities.
We at Salud America! have seen amazing Latino youth push for healthy changes for schools, corner stores, restaurants, bus stations, technology, and environments.
Let’s use #SaludTues on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, to tweet how cities, businesses, and other groups can work together to cultivate more youth leaders and mobilize action for health equity!
- WHAT: #SaludTues Tweetchat: Latino Youth Leadership─Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders
- TIME/DATE: 1-2 p.m. ET (Noon-1 p.m. CT), Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019
- WHERE: On Twitter with hashtag #SaludTues
- HOST: @SaludAmerica
- CO-HOST: County Health Rankings (@CHRankings), Afterschool Alliance (@afterschool4all)
- HASHTAG: #SaludTues
We’ll open the floor to your comments, tips, and stories as we explore:
- The state of youth leadership
- The need for more youth leaders and how to promote leadership
- Stories of youth who are stepping up for health in their cities and counties, such as the youth leaders in Culture of Health Prize communities
Be sure to use the hashtag #SaludTues to follow the conversation on Twitter and share your strategies, stories, and resources to promote youth leadership and mobilization!
#SaludTues is a health equity tweetchat especially focused on the Latino population at 12p CT/1p ET every Tuesday hosted by the @SaludAmerica program at the Institute for Health Promotion Research at UT Health San Antonio.
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Increasing Civic EngagementBy The Numbers
of big U.S cities have a local board of health