USDA Proposes Rule to Fine Schools Who Don’t Follow Nutrition Standards


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Purposed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on March 29th, a new rule is setting the standard to try to help schools get on board with school meal nutrition standards.

According to a recent article, any school food authority or school administration that is not following the standards set for child nutrition programs may be fined. Child nutrition programs include the National School Lunch Program, the Child and Adult Care Food Program, the School Breakfast Program, and the Summer Food Service Program and state administrative expense funds.

In the first offense, schools would be fined one percent of meal reimbursements for the fiscal year for not correcting mismanagements of any program, or failing to correct repeated violations of program requirements. Schools can be penalized up to ten percent of meal reimbursements if given a third offense for continually disregarding requirements.

To understand why it is important for schools to offer healthy meals for Latino kids and all kids, click here.

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