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How can we best train tomorrow’s leaders?
By working with youth to lead healthy changes today!
Register now for our next Salud America! Webinar on March 27 on how to mobilize youth to become community advocates!
- What: Mobilizing Latino Youth to Become Community Advocates
- Time/Date: 12 p.m. CST, Tuesday, March 27, 2018
- Host: Salud America!
- Special Guest: Kymberly Lacrosse, a Salud Hero of healthy change

Lacrosse has vast experience mobilizing youth toward action.
Lacrosse has served as a community organizer for the United Way of Santa Cruz County, Calif, working with the youth group Jóvenes SANOS to create several healthy changes:
- Healthier food options at METRO transit stations;
- Convincing community leaders to adopt a healthy restaurant program; and
- Working with corner stores to introduce healthy changes.
Lacrosse most recently launched Growing Greatness, a leadership and advocacy program that provides workshops to build personal and community capacity.
She continues to believe in the great potential that youth have as community advocates. Youth can advocate for safe parks, access to healthier foods, and creating opportunities for communities to thrive, and much more.
For the webinar, Lacrosse will talk about her success. Salud America! will present information and resources on what you can do to get started with empowering youth in your community.
If you have a passion for training youth leaders and encouraging them to reach their fullest potential then don’t miss this webinar!
By The Numbers
for every Latino neighborhood, compared to 3 for every non-Latino neighborhood