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A new study looking at 24 corner stores in disadvantaged neighborhoods and two wholesale stores in Baltimore City, Maryland were tested on the impact of how store-directed price discounts and communications strategies impact healthy food supply and demand.
The study, published in Public Health Nutrition reported that stores that used healthy marketing and discounts on healthy foods did, in fact, impact the supply and demand of healthier foods in stores.
The stores were randomized into categories including pricing interventions, communication interventions, combined pricing and communications interventions, and a control store.
During the 6 month trail, communication stores promoted healthy items with signage, taste tests, and refrigerators. The pricing intervention stores were given a 10-30% price discount by wholesalers on selected healthier food items.
Researchers reported the significantly increased stock of the healthy promoted foods versus the control foods for the intervention store, that utilized discounted pricing and communication interventions.
Researchers also noted that incorporating trade promotions to increase healthy food access and demand has the potential to be a win–win for business owners’ bottom lines and public health alike.
This goes to support the fact that promoting and marketing of healthier foods may increase purchases of healthier food and in turn create a healthier food environment and a healthier economy.
To learn more about the benefits of increasing healthy food environments and be a part of the growing movement for healthier foods and marketing in your area, click here.
By The Numbers
for every Latino neighborhood, compared to 3 for every non-Latino neighborhood