Sugary beverages like soda, energy drinks, sweetened teas, lemonades, coffees and fruit juices are known to be an unhealthy daily drink and some say they are becoming the next big tobacco, as researchers continually find their link to elevated chronic health risks. Now new study put on by researchers at the Karolinska Institute have found that not only do sweetened beverages heighten the risk for diabetes, but also artificially-sweetened beverages had similar risks in study results. In fact, higher consumption for these two types of drinks increased a higher risk for type 2 diabetes by 20%. The researchers reviewed over 2,800 Swedish adults compared to adults with diabetes cases, and all results were adjusted for various measures. The results found that possible direct adverse ...
Many countries are talking more about reducing sugary beverage consumption after the World Health Organization (WHO) announced on October 11th, 2016 it's suggestion to tax all sugary drinks by 20 percent to help reduce consumption. Now talks in Australia have bubbled up around reducing sugary drink consumption, as The Green Party campaigned announced a policy to tax sugary drinks at the recent federal election, reports Foodtank. The country currently stands at a 63% rate of obese or overweight adults and a 27% rate of children that are overweight or obese. The estimated billions in money saved on health care expenditures could benefit the direct cost of overweight and obesity expenditures. A longitudinal study also showed, that over $15.8 billion dollars are spent ...
Santa Fe, New Mexico (51.2% Latino) is still struggling with increasing rates of obesity among children and adults, where reports detail 28.8% percent of adults in the state are obese and 25.6% of kindergarten students were obese or overweight in 2015. The 2015 report from the New Mexico Childhood Obesity Update, revealed that third graders and kindergarten rates of obesity have decreased by 10.6% over six years, but the majority of students in New Mexico, namely Hispanic students, have experienced very little decline in rates of obesity over the last six years. Many in school efforts around healthier foods, and physical activity helped decrease the continued rising rates of childhood obesity, but now other efforts around sugary drink consumption are being discussed. Mayor ...
After the World Health Organization suggested a 20% tax on sugary beverages for all countries, Portugal announced three days later a plan for a sugar tax on soft drinks for 2017, estimated to raise 80 million euros for public health services. Sugary drinks other than sodas like flavored milks or fruit juices will not be taxed, however all sodas are planned to be taxed that have a sugar content above 80 grams per litre. Back in November 2015, Portugal's center-right government tried to introduce a tax on sugar, drinks and foods that contained high amounts of sugars or too much salts but the efforts fell unnoticed. Trying again the political battles will fuel out the battle to determine the sugar tax and ultimately impact the future health of their country. Continued ...
Since the recent announcement from the World Health Organization (WHO) that all countries should implement a 20 percent soda tax to help reduce worldwide health risks linked to sugary drink consumption, many countries and health advocate groups have started talking about various new sugary drink reduction policy initiatives. Now a group of Doctors, researchers, and public health advocates have joined together with the goal of eliminating sugary drinks from New Zealand by 2025. The group, FIZZ, which stands for "Fighting Sugar in Softdrinks", states on their website their justification in ending sales of sodas is due to the tide of evidence that implicates consumption of sugary drinks with common health risks like type-2 diabetes, rotten teeth gout, and cardiovascular ...
Soda tax discussion in Cook County, Ill. (28.9 % Latino) started to bubble up as Board President of the county, Toni Preckwinkle discussed a proposal for a penny-per-ounce tax to help balance the budget. As the city is fighting debts in the budget, the tax would be applied to help raise an estimated $74.6 million to help fill a $174 million gap, explains, The Chicago Tribune. The American Beverage Association continues to fight against soda taxes in Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Boulder and has already started running TV and radio ads against the tax in Cook, calling it a "grocery tax" as mentioned in other arguments. Other organizations like the, No Cook County Beverage Tax Coalition, also bringing attention to the tax do not to mention anything about how the tax is solely on ...
Young children often look to their parents for guidance in many things, but a new study now suggests that what a parent drinks in front of their child could make a major impact on their child's health. The study, reported on by The Guardian, looked at four-to-eight-year-olds whose parents drank sweet drinks. Kids whose parents drank fizzy drinks were 192% more likely to drink the same beverages as their parents than other kids their age, 115% more likely to drink fruit juices if their parents did, and 529% to drink smoothies if their parents drank smoothies. Sugary beverages like sodas, sports drinks, juices and other sweetened beverages have been linked to higher rates of diabetes, tooth decay, and other major health risks.Latino kids ages zero to five is higher than the overall ...
Dentists in Fairbanks, Alaska (7.0% Latino) have partnered with the state Division of Public Health, to help reduce sugary drink consumption in their patients and work to decrease childhood obesity, according to The Latino population in Fairbanks has grown rapidly reported the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development that detailed the trend, highlighting a 52% growth rate for Hispanic or Latino residents in Alaska from 2000 to 2010. Many Latino kids and teens drink more sugary drinks on a daily basis than their white peers, sometimes even up to three drinks a day studies show, and with each sugary drink the risk of becoming an obese adult jumps to 60%. Since September of 2016, the public health state workers have started providing training to dental ...
Why do sodas and other sugary drinks like sweetened coffees, teas, and energy drinks make us more thirsty and want more? We need hydration and water is they key to healthy hydration. Drinking more water and less sugary beverages can help our bodies in numerous ways shows various studies. So now what should we do? How can we fight the urge to sip on our favorite sweet drink? Join the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and FoodStand as they challenge you to drink "Less Soda". The Foodstand app is free to download and you can get great tips, shopping lists, recipes and more to help you kick the can or the sweet beverage of your choice!
Foodstand also helps people build healthier eating habits through community-powered challenges primarily focused on eating less ...