Webinar: How to Start a Trauma-Informed System in Your School


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Childhood Trauma is a big reason many students miss school. Whether its neglect, abuse, or poverty, trauma hinders a child’s brain, body, and future success.

How can schools help students deal with trauma and reduce absenteeism?

Register for our webinar on May 29, to get free tools and support to help you start a Trauma-Informed Care system in your school district!

Our webinar will feature John Hernandez, director of student services at East Central ISD in San Antonio, who pushed district leadership for support, fund advocates at each campus, and eventually created a trauma-informed identification and monitoring system into his district’s existing software program.

  • What: How to Start a Trauma-Informed System in Your School District
  • Time/Date: 12 p.m. CST, Tuesday, May 29, 2018
  • Host: Salud America!
  • Special Guest: John Hernandez, a Salud Hero of healthy change

Our webinar will highlight the state of childhood trauma and its impact on kids and schools.

Hernandez will describe East Central ISD’s trauma-informed care system, which emerged because Hernandez believes that kids don’t wake up in the morning wanting to cuss at a teacher or school administrator. These kids are wounded, and face deep scars of emotional, physical, and mental pain. Sadly, their pain often goes ignored or neglected with the belief the pain will be outgrown or forgotten as they age.

The webinar will conclude with access to a free Salud America! Trauma-Informed Care SchoolKit you can use to:

  • Review absenteeism at your district
  • Start a conversation about trauma-informed care with district leaders
  • Get supporters from campuses and create a vision
  • Use Hernandez’s templates to craft your own trauma-informed care system
  • And share your system inside and outside your district.

This is important because when teachers and school staff understand the short- and long-term impacts of childhood trauma, they can recognize the signs and symptoms in students and utilize appropriate systems and supports in place to identify, track, and help traumatized students.

Sign up for the new Salud America! “Trauma Sensitive School Action Pack.” It is a free guide with coaching to help school personnel talk to decision-makers, build a support team, craft a system to identify and support traumatized students, and more!

Get the Action Pack!

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