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Valenzuela, Carlos A

Articles by Valenzuela, Carlos A

Nuestras Historias: 10 Years Later

Yolanda Molina was diagnosed with cancer after Daisy, her Yorkie/Schnauzer hit her left breast. “The pain was so severe that tears rolled down my face,” Molina said. Two days after the incident, Yolanda found out she had breast cancer. “It’s said that God does not give us more than we can handle. I had been diabetic for28 years and under a doctor’s care for clinical depression, so I already had two strikes against me. After my first chemo treatment, I thought at the time that death had to be better,” Molina said. After going through chemo, diabetes and depression Yolanda won the battle against cancer. “Through it all, Daisy has been constantly by my side. I think about the night she “found” my lump. I think that her jumping on me made the lump come out. I ...

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Jóvenes inmigrantes menos propensos a ser criminales

Jóvenes inmigrantes son menos propensos  a cometer crímenes, usar drogas y presentar comportamientos violentos, a comparación de jóvenes nacidos en Estados Unidos, según un nuevo estudio por la Universidad de Texas-Austin. El estudio publicado en Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, analizo datos demográficos para demostrar que los adolescentes inmigrantes son estadísticamente menos probables que jóvenes nacidos en el país en involucrarse en acciones ilegales o violentas, como peleas callejeras, venta de drogas o portar armas de fuego—y menos probables de consumir alcohol y drogas. En los últimos años hemos visto un aumento de migrantes en los Estados Unidos, también hemos visto una alta en la preocupación en cómo estos inmigrantes pueden poner a la ...

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More Latinos Are Dying in the Workplace

Latinos are overworked and underpaid and more are dying in the workplace, according to recent studies, Latin Times reports. Studies by various government agencies, organized labor and human rights group show Latinos “suffer a disproportionate amount of abuse and injury in the workplace. A recent study by the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) showed more Latinos are dying in the workplace “despite declines in deaths of workers in other groups.” According to a study by the LCLAA “797 Latinos died at the workplace [in 2013], constituting the highest death toll for Latinos since 2008 and higher than any other working minority. Of those 797 Latinos, 527 were immigrants.” Although injury and illnesses among Latino workers are going down working conditions ...

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El café podría ser un aliado de los pacientes con cáncer de colon

Un reciente estudio revelo que el tomar varias tazas de café al día podría ayudar a disminuir el cáncer de colon (el segundo cáncer con mayor incidencia entre los latinos), reporta NBC News. Para el estudio, pacientes de cáncer de colon reportaron en un diario su actividad física y su dieta. “Lo que encontramos es que un poco menos de 1,000 pacientes es que entro los que toman café regularmente tiene más probabilidad de sobrevivencia, lo que significa tienen menos probabilidad de que el cáncer recurra o que fallezcan a causa de este,” dijo el Dr. Charles Fuchs director del centro de cáncer gastrointestinal del instituto de cáncer Dana-Farber. Investigadores encontraron que aquellos que toman cuatro o más tazas de café al día tienen un 42% menos probabilidad de ...

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Report: Latinos Less Likely to Get Cancer, but More Likely to Die From It.

According to a new report by the American Cancer Society, Latinos are at lesser risk of cancer than non-Hispanic whites, but it’s also a leading cause of death in the Latino community, NPR Health reports. Among the key findings “People of Hispanic origin are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer at a later stage, when it's more likely to be fatal. That's especially true for melanoma and breast cancer.” Stomach, liver and gallbladder cancers tend to be more common among Latinos, “while breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer are more common among whites.” Country of origin also plays a role. Mexicans and Cubans are at higher risk of death from stomach cancer in the U.S. than other Latinos. “First-generation immigrants have lower cancer rates than Hispanics ...

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Hispanic Heritage Month of Action

Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated every year between September and October to honor the contributions of Hispanic culture as well as its rich history and traditions. Despite Latinos being the fastest growing and youngest group of Americans—many are not registered to vote. It’s estimated that in 2016, 28 million Latinos will be eligible to vote.  To raise awareness about this issue and to get more Latinos to become registered voters Voto Latino has launched the campaign Hispanic Heritage Month of Action (HHMA). “Hispanic Heritage Month of Action is a one of a kind on-the-ground and digital voter registration campaign that seeks to shift this cultural celebration to a month of action around voter registration and community organizing,” HHMA said in a written ...

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Contraceptivos Orales Podrían Prevenir el Cáncer Uterino

El utilizar contraceptivos orales mejor conocidos como la “pastilla del día después” podría ayudar a prevenir el cáncer uterino, reporta Time Magazine. El estudio publicado en The Lancet Oncology, reviso datos  de 7,276 mujeres con cáncer uterino y 115,743 mujeres sin este, de entre 36 estudios distintos. Los investigadores estimaron que 400,00 casos de este cáncer han sido prevenidos ya que mujeres han tomado la pastilla por 50 años, y 200,000 de estos casos han sido prevenidos en los últimos 10 años. De acuerdo al estudio el “efecto protector” continua años después de dejar la pastilla. “Las mujeres que la toman cuando están en sus 20’s o hasta más jóvenes continúan beneficiándose del efecto protector después de los 50’s, cuando el cáncer se ...

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America is Kicking the Habit

According to a new report by the CDC more Americans are smoking less this year compared to 2014, Latin Times reports. The CDC’s Health Interview Survey show only 15.2 % of U.S. adults smoke on a regular basis compared to 16.8% in 2014. “Latinos (10.4%) were less likely to smoke than whites (17.1%) and African Americans (18.1%), the data show.” Among young adults 18-44 the smoking rate was 17%, very similar to the rate among middle-aged adults (16.9%). Among senior citizens the rate was even lower only 7.5%. The current rates show a significant drop compared to 2009 when 20.6% of adults were regular ...

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Higher Rates of Depression and Suicide Attempts Among Latinas

Latinas born in the U.S. to immigrant parents have had higher rates of depression and suicide attempts for more than 40 years. “Research shows that young Latinas, especially those born in the U.S. to immigrant parents, think about suicide, plan suicide, and actually attempt suicide more than other teens.  Their suicide attempt rates have been up to twice as high as for other youth,” Dr. Luis Zayas, dean of the School of Social Work at the University of Texas-Austin told WAMC-Radio. Part of the problem, according to Zayas is that Latinas assimilate to mainstream culture faster than their parents becoming a conflict “that escalates until there is a crisis that sparks the suicide attempt.” Dr. Zayas recommends positive parent-adolescent communication, which, according to ...

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