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Classic water fountains aren’t always accessible or safe for kids.
Water Bottle Fountains are filtered water dispensers for easily filling and refilling water bottles.
This gives kids much-needed access to safe drinking water throughout the school day. They help keep kids hydrated while saving families money from buying bottled water. They also help the environment by reducing waste.
Salud America! wants to help you get Water Bottle Fountains at your school with our custom-for-you Water Bottle Fountain Action Pack with Coaching!
Request an Action Pack to get (at no charge to you):
- Customized, click-to-send emails, graphics and resources
- One-on-one support from an Action Pack Coach
- Ads on Facebook
- Promotion of your efforts to 100,000+ change-makers
- 25 Salud America! T-shirts
Michaeli Smith, wellness coordinator at Comal ISD in Texas, wanted more Water Bottle Fountains in schools.
She got them—by using our “Action Pack” from UT Health San Antonio.
“For Comal ISD, [the Action Pack] served as a catalyst for change,” Smith said. “I was very pleased with how it was packaged and easy for others to implement on their campuses.”
By The Numbers
of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage