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5 Reasons to Attend: Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos 2022

In the next 20 years, Latinos could face a 142% rise in cancer rates. Latinos also experience cancer differently—from genetics to healthcare access to survivorship. This is why Dr. Amelie Ramirez, director of Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio, is hosting the Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos 2022 conference on Feb. 23-25, 2022 in San Antonio! "Our vision is to unite researchers, physicians, healthcare professionals, patient advocates and students from across the nation to discuss research advancements, identify gaps, and create action to translate basic research into clinical best practices, effective community interventions, and professional training programs to eliminate cancer disparities in Latinos," said Ramirez, whose Institute for Health Promotion Research ...

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4 Ways to Uplift Latinos to the Forefront of Health Care, Public Health, Society

latina mom and daughter face masks covid uplift latinos

Latinos are the largest racial/ethnic minority at 18.5% of the U.S. population. Yet they face considerable health inequities — from discrimination to a lack of access to health care, transportation, affordable housing, healthy food, and more. This contributes to a high burden of diabetes, obesity, and disease for Latinos. In response, we need more understanding of the root causes of health inequities, diversity in the health and research fields, better education, and greater societal presence for Latinos, according to a new article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) by Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, director of Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio, and Drs. Rita Lepe and Francisco Ciagarroa of the Transplant Center at UT Health San Antonio. "The changing ...

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Videos: Dr. Amelie Ramirez and Other Latino Experts on the COVID-19 Vaccine

Ramirez covid-19 vaccine confidence ad council video screen grab

Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, director of Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio, is featured in a COVID-19 vaccine confidence-building communication campaign from the Ad Council and COVID Collaborative. The campaign, "It’s Up to You," aims to reach people of color. Latinos are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 amid vaccine misinformation. They are a special campaign target, with communication materials in English and Spanish, including four videos from Ramirez: Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe and does it have any side effects? ¿Qué efectos secundarios puedo esperar si recibo la vacuna COVID-19? Why is the COVID-19 vaccine important? ¿Por qué es importante para los latinos recibir la vacuna COVID-19? "[The campaign] encourages audiences to get the latest ...

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Dr. Amelie Ramirez Featured as a Latina Hero in the Fight Against COVID-19

Amelie Ramirez on Latino Leaders magazine

Dr. Amelie Ramirez, leader of Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio, is featured in the latest edition of Latino Leaders, a national magazine that aims to connect and inspire leaders of Latino, Hispanic, and Latinx heritage. The edition is called "Heroes of the Fight Against COVID-19." Highlights include: Profile stories about health leaders: Dr. Anthony Fauci, infectious disease expert; Dr. Elena Rios, president of the National Hispanic Medical Association; Dr. David E. Hayes-Bautista of UCLA; Joaquin Duato of Johnson & Johnson; Nanette Cocero of Pfizer; Bonnie Castillo of National Nurses United; Dr. Robert Rodriguez of UCSF; Dr. Xiomara Rocha-Cadman of City of Hope; and more Profile stories about Latino elected leaders: Catherine Cortez-Masto, Arizona, and Marco ...

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CDC Launches Spanish WhatsApp Chat to Encourage More Latino COVID-19 Vaccinations

CDC WhatsApp vaccine finder platform in spanish

CDC has partnered with WhatsApp, a social media messaging platform, to deliver COVID-19 vaccine information to Spanish-speaking users to encourage them to get the shot. The chat, "Mi Chat Sobre Vacunas COVID," is live and available here. "Once the user replies with 'hola,' the app returns a menu of options. [These include] information about nearby vaccination sites, transportation to and from the location and answers to frequently asked questions," according to NBC News. CDC is making vaccine equity is a vital goal to end the coronavirus pandemic. They define equity as preferential access and administration to those who have been most affected by COVID-19. Latino Usage of WhatsApp Over 30 million Latinos use WhatsApp. They use it much more than other social media platforms, ...

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Report: Housing Inequities Are Worsening for Latinos

Sad evicted mother with child worried relocating house

Close to 40% of Americans struggle to meet the rising costs of housing, and Latinos especially face hardship in affordable housing as the pandemic worsened inequities, says a new report. As the economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans are struggling with soaring home and rent prices, affordability issues, and the risk of eviction and foreclosure, according to The State of the Nation’s Housing 2021 from Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. Latinos and other people of color are impacted on a greater scale. "Millions of households that lost income during the shutdowns are behind on their housing payments and on the brink of eviction or foreclosure," the report states. "A disproportionately large share of these at-risk households are renters with ...

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Meet the 2021 Exito! Latino Cancer Research Trainees

Exito 2021 summer institute cohort of latino training participants

Program leaders have selected 26 aspiring Latino researchers from across the nation to join the 2021 cohort of Éxito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training at UT Health San Antonio. Each year, Éxito! recruits U.S. master’s level students and professionals to participate in a five-day, culturally tailored Éxito! summer institute to promote pursuit of a doctoral degree and cancer research. The 26 new participants were selected from a deep pool of applicants. Each participant now will join the Éxito! summer institute on June 7-11, 2021 in San Antonio. They will interact with Latino researchers and doctoral experts to learn about Latino cancer, succeeding in a doctoral program, and the diversity of research careers. Meet the 2021 Éxito! Ccohort Leslie Aragon, ...

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Dr. Amelie Ramirez: Answering the Big Questions on COVID-19 Vaccines

Dr. Amelie Ramirez san antonio women's hall of fame

Latinos are getting vaccinated for the COVID-19 vaccine at much lower rates. Why is this? How can we build vaccine confidence? Dr. Amelie Ramirez and her team at Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio are working hard to promote vaccine confidence and answer Latinos' big questions about the vaccine. Ramirez is doing this in a variety of ways: Creating the Salud America! Latino COVID-19 Vaccine “Change of Heart” Bilingual Storytelling Campaign to share real Latinos who moved from vaccine hesitancy to vaccine confidence. Producing Salud America!'s weekly updated post on U.S. Latino vaccination rates, ways to improve confidence, and how to overcome vaccine misinformation. Joining the Latino USA podcast to answer Latinos' COVID-19 vaccine questions. Providing a ...

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