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Coronavirus is locking down much of the United States, making it harder for vulnerable populations like Latinos to get information, especially those who speak Spanish.
Fortunately, new resources are popping up for Spanish-language Latinos.
Here are some of our favorites!
Update 5/11/20: Check out our bilingual infographic and the bilingual La Loteria COVID-19 Bingo game!
CDC Promotes Spanish-Language Coronavirus Resources for Latinos
About 37 million Latinos in the U.S. speak Spanish at home.
But the CDC wasn’t on the Spanish-language boat from the onset of coronavirus.
In fact, on March 17, 2020, the website Latino Rebels shared that CDC was behind in translating its “15 Days to Slow the Spread” coronavirus recommendations. They finally posted it three days later.
But now their Spanish-language website has lots of information. They cover how COVID-10 spreads, symptoms, prevention, treatment, travel, and more.
“Esta es una situación emergente que está cambiando rápidamente y los CDC continuarán brindando información actualizada a medida que esté disponible,” according to the wesbite. “Los CDC trabajan a toda hora para proteger la salud de las personas. Es función de los CDC preocuparse y actuar rápidamente cada vez que haya un problema potencial para la salud pública.”
CDC also has a Spanish-language video series with some coronavirus graphics.
Health, Advocacy Groups Add Spanish-Language Coronavirus Content for Latinos
We at Salud America! wrote a coronavirus primer in Spanish that all Latinos need to know.
The National Alliance for Hispanic Health created “I do my part” or “Yo ayudo” bilingual graphics to give simple steps to comfort and protect our families. We also wrote about the National Alliance for Hispanic Health’s bilingual COVID-19 Bingo (La Loteria).
Lots of other health and advocacy groups are helping, too:
- AARP en español
- Nacersano by March of Dimes
- The National Cancer Institute
- FEMA en español (including rumor control)
- The Texas Department of State Health Services
- OMH Twitter page
- rainPOP Español
- Nemours
Check out Nemours’ Spanish-language video on hand-washing!
Doctors Share Spanish-Language Coronavirus Information for Latinos
Several doctors are speaking up on important coronavirus information in Spanish.
Like Dra. Jackie and Dr. Claudia Diaz Mooney of UCSF Family and Community Medicine. Experts at the Illinois Extension also shared in Spanish about homemade disinfectant.
We also love the video from Dr. Pablo Moreno Franco of the Mayo Clinic.
He recorded a Spanish-language video with great information about COVID19. He covered symptom information and self-care recommendations.
Immigration Groups Look Out for Spanish-Language Speakers amid Coronavirus
Nearly half of the nation’s 44.7 million immigrants are Latino.
Latinos are already dealing with an anti-immigrant climate. Latino youth fears are real. The new public charge rule looms large. Hate crimes are rising.
But several groups are helping amid COVID-19.
United We Dream posted what all immigrants should know about the closing of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Immigrants Rising is another example.
They share helpful resources for immigrants in Spanish and English.
These resources cover everything Spanish-language community guides and general information for coronavirus. They also cover community support, mutual aid, and educational apps for Latino kids.
“Immigrants Rising is committed to serving undocumented communities during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,” according to the English-language resources. “We put together this list of resources to help undocumented immigrants navigate the crisis.”
Spanish-Language Coronavirus Resources for Latinos Still Have a Long Way to Go
Many TV stations recently reported that getting coronavirus updates in Spanish is “a mixed bag.”
Coronavirus information is needed in Spanish because “lives are on the line,” Darryl Morin of advocacy group Forward Latino told NBC Latino.
“People want to know what they can do to keep loved ones and their families safe, especially in the Latino community, where the elderly often live with families,” said Morin, according to the report.
Learn more about the coronavirus outbreak!
By The Numbers
Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years