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Chef Ann Cooper founder of the Chef Ann Foundation (CAF) has created an online resource called The Lunch Box, to help support schools who want to change their food environment.
In a recent interview Emily Miller, from CAF told Food Tank that they want to help create a healthier food system for kids in today’s world, where kids can learn the importance of nourishing their bodies and where their food comes from. Miller explains that the best way to teach kids about healthier foods is through school, where kids are already in a learning environment.
The Lunch Box resource is an in-depth school food resource, where school food professionals can use free tools to help transition from processed foods to scratch-made plates, that are sustainable. Including over 200 recipes that are kid-tested, and U.S. Department of Agriculture complaint, the resource also helps anyone looking to cook healthier meals at home. There are also menu cycle templates, budget-planning guides, and marketing suggestions for healthier foods in schools.
Learn more about getting started on a healthier school cafeteria with The Lunch Box.
By The Numbers
of Latino parents support public funding for afterschool programs