Tips On Healthy Eating During National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month


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The PEW Charitable Trusts is encouraging parents to eat with their kids during September and bring awareness to healthy eating during National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month.

Here are some tips to help students know their parents, grandparents or family members support them in healthy eating.

  1. Make a date! Enjoy lunch with your child to see exactly what is offered in school meals and show support to school staff and students who are making healthy meal choices. This can help support mindful eating as well, giving students a warm supportive environment for healthy food choices.
  2. School meal for dinner? Yes, that’s right! Ask your school nutrition director for a recipe your child might like and make it at home for dinner. This gives children a way to get involved and parents a way to give feedback to school kitchen staff about what works!
  3. Join your district’s wellness committee or PTA! Getting involved in school wellness policies can help not only improve your child’s nutrition but also help improve education, physical activity and safety.

Latino students need healthy food access and support for healthy school policies even more so than their white peers, being involved in your student’s lunchroom is just one step towards creating awareness and learning more about healthy foods in schools.

Learn more about the need for healthy food for Latino students here.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino parents support public funding for afterschool programs

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