Success Stories
Get inspired by our Salud Hero stories and videos, which show real champions of change who drive policies and environments for health in our families, schools, and communities!
Rosa Herrera: Get the Vaccine for Your Family!
Rosa Herrera knows how difficult the battle with COVID-19 can be. Two of her daughters were really sick with COVID-19 in October 2020 and were hospitalized during their infections. Herrera herself got sick, too, but had a mild case. “It was really scary. I couldn’t see them and since both of them were hospitalized at ...
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Discover Salud Heroes

George Block: Opening the Gates for Families to Play at School Parks
George Block has fought for children for a long time. When Block saw disadvantaged kids not able to swim at local pools…
Green & Active Spaces, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities
Fred Cardenas: Improving Mental Healthcare for Kids in San Antonio
“I hear demons telling me to be bad.” “I need my medicine to calm down.” “Mom has a new boyfriend, but that’s okay cause…
Education, Mental Health
City Leader Rey Saldaña Helps At-Risk Latinos Learn to Swim
When he was a kid, Rey Saldaña couldn’t swim. His family couldn’t afford lessons. So Saldaña was a little scared as he a…
Green & Active Spaces, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities
Ex-Football-Coach Creates Trauma-Sensitive Schools to Reduce Absenteeism in San Antonio
John Hernandez coached football in three disadvantaged school districts in Texas. When a player missed practice, Hernand…
Healthy Families & Schools, Trauma & ACES
How to Turn a Latino Food Desert into a Healthy Food Oasis
Healthy food activists Erick Kornacki and Joseph Teipel have a phrase to call the 81% Latino neighborhood of Westwood in…
Healthcare Access, Healthy Food, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities
Texas Border City Turns Bus Stop into Fun Play Place
Sit and wait. That’s what most people do at bus stops. Robert de León Robert de León, a business management analyst with…
Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities, Transportation & Mobility
Teacher Plants a SEED to Help Latinos Learn English, Engage in Schools
Growing up in Texas, Cameron Allen knew he wanted to be a teacher. How could Allen be the best teacher possible in Texas…
Education, Healthy Families & Schools
Mom’s Homecoming Mums Raise Awareness for Youth Mental Health
Everything is bigger in Texas. Especially “mums”—those big, flashy, expensive corsages of colorful streamers, bells, and…
Education, Mental Health
Artist’s Fake Ads Save Historic Streetcars in Border City
The streetcar is back along the Texas-Mexico border, thanks to a Latino man’s brilliant “fake” ad campaign. Peter Svarzb…
Healthy Families & Schools, Healthy Neighborhoods & Communities, Transportation & Mobility
Rocio Muñoz Embeds School Health Navigators for Latino Parents
Latinos face many barriers to health care, including language differences; complex and confusing documents and processes…
Healthcare Access, Healthy Families & Schools, Healthy Food