Rose A. Treviño-Whitaker: An Èxito! Grad With a Passion for Cancer Research and Health Promotion

Editor’s Note: This is the story of a graduate of the 2015 Èxito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training program. Apply now for 2016. Rose A. Treviño-Whitaker Houston, Texas Unpaved roads. Lack of proper sewage. Inadequate water. Rose A. Treviño-Whitaker grew up among these third-world conditions that plague some colonias—mostly Latino unincorporated settlements in South Texas. That’s why she dedicated her career to preventing disease and promoting public health as a researcher at the Institute for Health Promotion Research (IHPR) at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. Born in the Valley of South Texas Rose is a high achiever and already up to her eyeballs in cancer research and health promotion. Rose has also helped create culturally relevant educational ...

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High Fiber Diet May Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Teenagers who eat fruits and vegetables high in fiber may significantly lower their risk of developing breast cancer (a leading cause of death among Latinas), later on in life, according to a new study, CBS News reports. Researchers at Harvard’s T.H Chen School of Public Health analyzed data from 44,000 women and concluded that those who consumed about 28 grams of fiber a day “had a significantly lower risk of breast cancer before menopause compared with those who said they ate less than 15 grams a day.” "The results of this study emphasize the role of an early life high-fiber diet on prevention of breast cancer in later life. High consumption of foods rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains in early life may help to reduce breast cancer incidence," lead ...

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Zika Virus to Spread Across the Americas

The World Health Organization(WHO) predicts the Zika virus will spread to all countries in the Americas, including the U.S., except Canada and Chile, Reuters reports. “Twenty-one countries and territories of the Americas have reported cases of the virus since Brazil reported the first cases of local transmission in May 2015,” WHO's regional office for the Americas said in a statement. In the U.S. three cases have been confirmed in Florida, Texas and Illinois "These imported cases might result in local human-to-mosquito-to-human spread of the virus in limited areas of the continental Unites States that have the appropriate mosquito vectors," according to a new report on the spread of the virus issued by the CDC Friday. According to doctors the symptoms of the virus ...

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El cáncer entre las primeras causas de muerte entre los latinos

El cáncer rápidamente se esta convirtiendo en la causa principal de muerte en los Estados Unidos y la causa principal de muerte entre los latinos, reporta Fox News. Nuevas estadísticas demuestran que el cáncer rápidamente esta sobrepasando a enfermedades del corazón como la causa numero uno de muerte en la país, aunque las cifras de mortalidad de ambas han ido en descenso por los últimos 25 años. De acuerdo a estadísticas del gobierno el cáncer es la causa principal de muerte entre varias minorías incluyendo a los latinos y adultos entre 40 y 79 anos de edad. La sociedad americana del cáncer pronostica que este ano habrá mas de 1 millón de diagnósticos de cáncer y 600,000 ...

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Study: HPV Increases Risk for Head Or Neck Cancer By At Least Sevenfold

HPV vaccine shot

A new study suggests oral human papillomavirus (HPV) increases someone’s risk for head or neck cancer, UPI reports. For the study, researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York analyzed records of more than 96,000 cancer-free patients taking part in a big study. Of the more than 96,000 patients 132 developed neck or head cancer during the follow-up period, “matching them with 396 controls and analyzing their mouthwash samples for several types of oral HPVs.” “People with HPV-16 detected in their samples were 22 times more likely to develop oropharyngeal cancer than those with no HPV-16 detected. The researchers also found that beta- and gamma-HPVs, normally found on the skin, could be linked to the development of cancer.” Doctors recommend that all ...

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Comienzan ensayos clínicos para vacuna que previene la reincidencia del cáncer

Investigadores mexicanos han comenzado ensayos clínicos para un tratamiento que podría prevenir la reincidencia del cáncer, reporta Latin Times. El nuevo tratamiento entrena al sistema inmunológico a que detecte y elimine células cancerígenas , después del tratamiento convencional, según el Dr. Juan Pablo Manriquez. En la primer etapa de sus investigaciones el Dr. Manriquez y su equipo probaron las vacunas en ratones que fueron modificados genéticamente para que desarrollaran cáncer. “Los ratones que recibieron las vacunas no desarrollaron cáncer del colon, páncreas y de ovarios, explica el Dr. Marquez. Los ensayos clínicos se llevaran acabo en Cd. De Mexico, Sonora y Cd.Obregon. Los investigadores estiman que el tratamiento va ser aprobado en Mexico y EE.UU ...

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The Guardian Interviews Dr. Daisy Morales-Campos

Recent data shows Latinos and communities under the U.S. poverty line are more aware of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and rates of the vaccine in these communities are higher than in more affluent ones, The Guardian reports. For the article The Guardian interviewed Dr. Daisy Morales-Campos, a research instructor at the Institute for Health Promotion Research, the team behind SaludToday. Dr. Campos directs Entre Familia, an HPV campaign aimed at Latinos in south Texas. According to Campos, there are still a lot of barriers to access. “People there often do not have the transportation needed to easily travel to a clinic, especially three times, and that many people rely on nurse clinics, which usually close before the school day ends. Sometimes, clinics do not have the ...

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Infographic: Shared Use Agreements & Latino Kids

Schools often have physical activity facilities, but many are not open to the public. Shared use agreements—contracts between a school and a city, county, or sports league that outlines rules for sharing existing facilities can help Latino neighborhoods have more access to active spaces and help Latino kids stay active and healthy, according to our new infographic on shared use agreements which is part of the new Salud America! Active Spaces and Latino Kids research package on the latest science and policy recommendations on the Latino physical activity environment. Share this infographic today! Salud America! is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded national Latino childhood obesity prevention network based at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, the team ...

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Infographic: Safe Streets & Latino Kids

The majority of Latino kids who live in inner city neighborhoods lack access to active spaces and safe streets where they can be physically active. Streets in Latino neighborhoods are often plagued with speeding cars and lack of sidewalks. Research shows that when communities adopt a “complete streets” policy and organize events such as “Open Street” more Latino kids and their families become physically active, according to our new infographic on safe streets which is part of the new Salud America! Active Spaces and Latino Kids research package on the latest science and policy recommendations on the Latino physical activity environment. Share this infographic today! Salud America! is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded national Latino childhood obesity ...

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