Get a Health Report Card for Your Area!

The Salud America! Health Report Card generates local housing, transit, healthcare, and other data so you can drive the healthy change your community needs most.

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your very own Health Equity Report Card for
In , kids and adults are Latino.
Latino communities vary in their access to quality child care and education, affordable housing, transportation options, green space, healthy food options, and healthcare - all of which are necessary to stay healthy and thrive. These differences in opportunity result in health disparities that are evident between different populations and geographic areas.
Latinos in your county face more socio-economic barriers
and poor health outcomes than non-Latino Whites.
LatinoNon-Latino White
Children in Poverty
Median Household Income
No High School Diploma
Uninsured Population
Teen Birth Rates (per 1,000 pop.)
Asthma Prevalence (state)
Infant Mortality (per 1,000 birth)
Mortality - Cancer (per 100,000 pop.)
Motor Vehicle Crash Death Rate (per 100,000 pop.)
Youth Obesity (state)
You can use this Salud America! Health Equity Report Card to find socioeconomic and health issues in your county, then help drive community change in your area!
A history of discriminatory housing policies and inequitable distribution of resources and services contribute to a widening socioeconomic gap, downward mobility, and poor mental and physical health among Latinos. LEARN MORE

Latinos in underserved communities lack access to quality early education and education, thus are robbed of the crucial foundation required to avoid poverty, unemployment, and other social and economic barriers throughout the lifespan. LEARN MORE

Latino communities are burdened by auto-dependent transportation networks; lack of safe streets, sidewalks, and bike lanes; and lack of frequent and reliable transit. LEARN MORE

Access to transit


Access to frequent transit

U.S Latino kids face unhealthy neighborhood food environments with fewer grocery stores and more fast food. LEARN MORE
Low Food Access & Food Insecure Population & Children

Social Economic Status
A history of multi-level racism, discrimination, and segregation contributes to an inequitable distribution of resources and services, like affordable housing and childcare, a widening socioeconomic gap, and disparities in mental and physical health outcomes among Latinos. LEARN MORE

Many Latinos live in neighborhoods that lack access to opportunity, such as quality schools, affordable housing and transportation, and internet, which threatens their ability to stay healthy and thrive. LEARN MORE


Latino families face inequities in access to mental and physical health care across all stages of the healthcare spectrum-prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and hospice. LEARN MORE

Physical and Mental Health
Latinos face disparities in numerous chronic and infectious diseases. LEARN MORE

PLACES: Local Health Measures
Coronary Heart Disease
Cancer Prevalence
Need More Data?
You can supplement this report with more local data and/or advocate for better data collection.
Community Needs Assessments

Community groups that get Community Development Block Grant program funds have to do a community needs assessment every few years to identify lower-income people's needs. This can give local context for social and economic barriers that impact self-sufficiency and health.

Community Health Needs Assessments

Per the Affordable Care Act, tax-exempt hospitals have to do a community health needs assessment every three years and adopt an implementation strategy to meet the needs identified. These reports can provide an important local context into inequities in health outcomes.

Equity Reports

Some communities do studies to assess racial and/or economic inequities in education, housing, transportation, economic opportunity, safety, justice, and health. This can give local context into inequities in living conditions.

You can push federal, state, and local leaders for more equitable data collection on:
  • Diversity in clinical trials
  • Clinical trial access
  • Cancer health disparities
  • Maternal and pregnancy health
  • Mental health access
  • ACEs and toxic stress
  • Gun violence
  • Traffic violence
  • Transportation insecurity
  • SDOH screening
  • Infection control
  • Access to federal aid programs
  • Anti-racism policies
  • Childcare deserts
  • Climate change
You can also push federal, state, and local leaders to better collect and disaggregate data by race/ethnicity, income, education, gender, and age. Learn more at
You Know the Issues. Now What?
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Email this report to colleagues and community leaders; share it on social media;
and bring printed copies to school or community meetings.

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Report card powered by the Center for Applied Research and Engagement Systems (CARES), University of Missouri.

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